Support your ESG goals and prepare for Scope 3
Uncovering accurate insights into the many ways your agricultural-focused business practices influence your company's overall carbon impact and how your suppliers affect your environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals can feel a lot like finding a needle in a haystack.

The search is over with EcoField™ data from DTN — the only validated sustainability data set at the national scale. It doesn't just deliver deep, unmatched insights into producer sustainability practices for 19 grain types across 34 states at the field level, you also get a trusted partner who's spent decades growing a specialized knowledge of U.S. farmers, their operations, and partners — and delivering award-winning coverage of emerging ag markets, innovations, and regulations.
Through our commitment to delivering powerful insights to producers and their agribusiness partners, we can provide an unmatched view into sustainable farming practices in the United States, from bag to bin.
We collect, organize, and deliver accurate data and insights that help you quickly visualize and calculate supplier carbon emissions and sequestration and offer a look at the exact individual practices used. Whether integrated by API, raw data, or modeled through our proprietary interface, EcoField data allows you to easily trace, manage, and report on the impact of your sustainable solutions and quickly calculate your carbon footprint.
And because our exclusive FarmMarket data — which offers detailed profiles for over 95% of U.S. farmers and ranchers — serves as a solid foundation for EcoField data, you can engage producers and dig deeper into their individual profiles.
This level of insight can support your sustainability narrative and help attract investors, grow customer loyalty, strengthen your brand and financial performance, and more. With Scope 3 expected to go into effect in early 2025, now is the time to prepare your business and gain a competitive advantage.
EcoField data is key to being able to meet your ESG goals.
Watch this short video to see how it collects data and turns it into accurate, actionable insights to support your company’s initiatives and reporting.
Learn more about sustainable farming from DTN experts
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Ag Perspectives on Sustainability
Over a quarter of agribusinesses have some form of ESG goals, and that number continues to grow.
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Can You Calculate Farm Sustainability? 
As demand for sustainable grain grows, so does the need for a structured marketplace. See what qualifies a crop as sustainably grown.
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Sustainability for Growers and Retailers
Increasingly, companies and consumers are seeking sustainably grown crops. Learn about the market and the opportunities for farmers and agribusinesses.
See how EcoField data can give you an advantage.

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