And see how better targeting can increase your conversions and sales*
Figuring out which farmers want sustainable solutions can feel a lot like finding a needle in a haystack.

The search is over with EcoField™ data from DTN — the only validated sustainability data set at the national scale. It doesn't just deliver deep, unmatched insights into producer sustainability practices for 19 grain types across 34 states at the field level to help you spot trends and improve planning; you also get a trusted partner who's spent decades growing a specialized knowledge of U.S. farmers, their operations, and needs — and delivering award-winning coverage of emerging ag markets and innovations.
Through our shared commitment to producers, we focus on connecting you with the right prospects, allowing you to deliver the solutions they need to help feed our world and thrive in today's challenging environment.
We collect, organize, and deliver accurate data and insights that help you identify your targets, whether they already use specific sustainable practices or demonstrate the potential to grow their program based on key indicators like carbon emissions and local grain trading activities.
And because our exclusive FarmMarket data — which offers detailed profiles for over 95% of U.S. farmers and ranchers — serves as a solid foundation for EcoField data, your marketing and sales programs can achieve greater precision.
EcoField data is key to finding new business opportunities.
Watch this short video to see how it collects data and turns it into accurate, actionable insights to support your growth in the sustainable ag market.

Learn more about sustainable farming from DTN experts
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Ag Perspectives on Sustainability
Nearly 75% of ag retailers believe sustainability is key to the future of U.S. agriculture. Explore more of their thoughts on sustainable farming.

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Can You Calculate Farm Sustainability? 
As demand for sustainable grain grows, so does the need for a structured marketplace. See what qualifies a crop as sustainably grown.

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Is Sustainable Grain Market Worth it? 
The sustainable agriculture market is expected to hit $28 billion by the end of 2023 — but is it profitable? Read more about the opportunities for ag retailers and producers.
See how EcoField data can give you an advantage.

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*A Nielsen study showed that up to 9% of purchase decisions can be attributed to target relevancy.
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